HOT BUSH (2001)
HOT BUSH is an exploration of the dialectical interaction between sexuality and power, and its effects on the public's perception of political leaders.
Utilizing appropriated footage and sounds of George W. Bush, as well as samples from a porn movie soundtrack, I attempt to acheive the almost impossible task of eroticising this not-so-sexy public figure. Part of my strategy is the use of subliminal text which also functions as a commentary on Bush's own well documented use of subliminal messages in his TV adds.
In the wake of the Clinton sex scandal, which revealed the public's and media's obsessive voyeurism, we have reached a unique historic moment: If the Reagan legacy influenced a permanent rightward shift in public discourse , then the Clinton legacy will permanently frame the public perception of political figures in terms of their sexuality whether we like it or not.
HOT BUSH was originally created for PEEP SHOW 28 an exhibition of video art for peep booths organized by NO LIVE GIRLS
JAN. 2001Galapagos Brooklyn. NY
FEB. 2002 San Francisco Art Institute San Francisco, CA.
PEEP SHOW 28 was presented at the Lusty Lady In San Francisco, CA and Seattle, WA during February of 2002
Review from The San Francisco Examiner
WIRED review
With BIG SIN LITTLE SIN I explore the subjective nature of sin, how it is defined and who does the defining, logically concluding that sin , big or small, is a matter of individual perspective.
For the sound component, I entered into a real catholic confessional posing as a guilty defense department employee and secretly recorded my exchange with the priest. I couldn't have scripted a better response than this priest's paranoid conception of what sin is not.
BIG SIN LITTLE SIN was created as part of an exquisite corpse video project involving 13 New York area artists. The project, which revolves around the theme of peccadillos, or little sins, will be presented in its entirety during the MOOV International Media Arts Festival which will be held at White Box in NYC on June 15, 2002
A moment of transformation along a pre war commercial strip running from Detroit, through New Jersey and onto Hong Kong. An exploration of the material/ temporal dialectic.
JAN. 2002Art In General NYC