Damian Catera @ Hogar Collection Saturday June 21, 2003 8pm

photo by Matthew Clark
Damian Catera will perform deComposition Williamsburg, an improvised piece for 3 radios and laptop at the Hogar Collection on Saturday
June 21.
For this piece, he will sample and randomly manipulate 3 live radios with algorithmic software written in the MAX/ MSP programming
environment. As this process is solely reliant on live radio and random algorithms, the end product will be an unpredicatable, evolving soundscape...
a music of the moment which is generated in real-time.
The Hogar collection, which is owned and operated by Cecilia Biagini and Todd Rosenbaum, is located
@ 111 Grand street in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. tel: (718) 388 5022
Showtime is 8pm